
Day 12: I'm going off prompt today,  with one of my own.  Facebook is great for many things; one of my favourites is the 'memories' it gives you of this day in previous years. 

Snapshots of this day

Six years ago I posted a photo of seedlings - 
Runner beans and courgettes, newly germinated,
Soaking up warmth through the porch window. 

Five years ago I lunched in Bristol, with friends
I used to work with; we would meet every two months 
To swap news of holidays, gardens, family. 

Four years ago we were ending the Cotswold Way
When we heard the wonderful news:
Our third grandchild had been delivered safely. 

Three years ago I was proud of a cushion
I'd made to sit on top of our shoe cupboard; 
I thought it very smart, almost professional. 

Two years ago I declared: I am an organ donor!
In the event of my death (surely a long while yet)
Give my organs to someone who needs them.  

One year ago we were in the Bay of Biscay
Cruising home through a world learning about Covid,
Enjoying the Easter celebrations while we could. 

Looking back, these Facebook memories 
Take so much for granted. If only we could return
To the ease of that pre-pandemic certainty. 

© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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