
I've just signed up for Napowrimo 2021, and I'm looking forward to writing a new poem every day during April. Its a hard challenge but at the moment new poems seem to be coming to me nearly every day! Perhaps I should keep some in hand,  just in case.   


Scaling the winter-bare trunk,
Braving the breach between each branch,
Its grey fur tinged with ginger, 
The creature halts its flight, 
Decides to cross the road, 
And leaps. 
Tiny hands grip twiggy limbs
Which dip and sway beneath its weight
Then spring, and flick, 
As on its way the squirrel goes
In fitful stops and starts, 
And then is gone. 

© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


  1. Just signed up for the NaPoWriMo thingy, too. I've done it before, more ties than I care to count, with variably satisfactory outcomes, but I'm feeling pretty charged this time around. I'm scanning other participant sites this morning, making note of those I hope to visit regularly and/or add to my "Following" list. You're on it . See you around, I hope. Peace.

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