

I've never been to Gibraltar and had been looking forward to being able to explore it on this cruise.  Now that we couldn't stop at any ports it was a nice surprise to hear that we would be stopping of there to drop off someone who knew the governor and had pulled strings.

An unexpected stop
On a long journey home.
A man of influence is leaving us
Dropped off on the way
Like it's a bus stop, and he alone
Is not going to the terminus.
But we count ourselves lucky:
It's our chance to see the place
We wanted to visit
Before the virus spread
Before all ports were closed
And we sailed on,  past them all.
Tonight,  we cancelled dinner
To stand at the ship's rail,  excited,
Squinting through the mist
In the un-used-to cold
Clutching our fleeces tight.
Will we get close enough
To spot the rock,  to see the port?
Or will this be yet another disappointing encounter
A non event on the open sea?

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