London Cheesecake

These were a favourite when I was a kid, known by us in the 60s simply as cheesecakes, before the biscuit and mousse kind were even dreamed of. Perhaps that's why they're now known as London cheesecakes. 

Juicy fat squiggles of coconut, 
Set deep into thick white icing,
Tempted me as a child.
I'd pick them off one by one, 
Eating those delicious 'worms' first, 
Licking off any icing left behind, 
Then biting into the pastry base,
It's delicious hit of frangipane - 
A taste as familiar as its name unknown -
Set off by the sweetness of strawberry jam. 
Of all the treats in the baker's shop
These were the ones I coveted most,
Eating my fill before my time in London
Disappeared into my memories.  

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