Bad news

Although expected, given the results of recent blood tests, this morning's consultation with my doctor brought a shock. I'm only just over the threshold for diabetes,  but it seems the current approach is to shock you into action - they call you by the name of the condition - you don't have diabetes, you are now diabetic - and you are put on medication in the hope that in 6 months time you'll once more be back on the safer side of the threshold.  

It seemed appropriate to revisit the poem Good News (about my Achilles tendonopathy) to reflect on the other side of the coin.

That moment
When they tell you the bad news
And realisation hits with a punch to the gut
And frail hope vanishes with the doctor's words,
And the weight of the burden of worry
You've been denying was there
Shooing it away each time it appeared 
Suddenly settles with a thump,
As panic gives way to sadness,  
And thoughts scatter, like shards of ice.

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