
I recently came across the term Komorebi, which is the Japanese word for sunlight which is filtered through the leaves of the trees. 

I love it when there are words in other languages for things that produce an emotional response in me,  but which have no English equivalent.  This article has some more wonderful new words if you're interested https://ihworld.com/news-blog/ih-blog/10-words-that-don-t-exist-in-english/  I feel some more poems coming on! 


There are some whose hearts are lifted
By the sight of golden rays piercing 
Through gaps between the patchy clouds, 
Strong shafts pointing to the earth below
Like a glorious benison from the heavens. 

There are those whose souls reverberate 
To the soft green glow of sunlight gently filtering
Through staggered gaps between fluttering leaves
As it haltingly descends through overlapping branches
Like a secret whisper to the woodland floor.

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