Man, giants, gods

Day 12:'write a poem that plays with the idea of a “tall tale.” American tall tales feature larger-than-life characters like Paul Bunyan (who is literally larger than life), Bulltop Stormalong (also gigantic), and Pecos Bill (apparently normal-sized, but he doesn’t let it slow him down).'

I've chosen to write about the Irish myth of the giant Finn MacCool, who built the Giant's Causeway as stepping-stones to Scotland so as not to get his feet wet, and who once scooped up part of Ireland to fling it at a rival, but it missed and landed in the Irish Sea. The resulting Isle of Man has its own myth of Manannan, a benevolent sea-god, so he makes an appearance too.

Each visit, I give unspoken thanks
To the giant temper of Finn MacCool,
And wonder how such an ugly rage 
Created tranquil beauty from that clod 
Flung hard into the heavens from Lough Neagh
To land in the perfect spot in the Irish Sea;
Around which, in times of need, 
Manannan draws close his cloak of invisibility. 

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