Google it!

Brian Bilston is the master of the Google search poem, where he types in the start of a question and sees what pops up. He's recently posted one for Christmas,  so I've attempted one for New Year. It's quite addictive!

New Year is around the corner
New Year is a festival in Japan
New Year brings you happiness 
New Year is celebrated on the Isle of Man.

New Year is a new beginning
Why does New Year start on Jan 1st?
New Year is a lottery
Do New Year's resolutions work?

Will there be a New Year poem?
Will there be a New Year sale?
Are there New Year fireworks on TV?
Where can I get New Year nails? 

Is New Year always capitalized?
Is New Year a proper noun?
Why does New Year make me sad,
Why does New Year bring me down?

New year is a public holiday
What can I do on New Year's Eve?
What is New Year's etiquette -
How can I get my guests to leave?

Will the New Year bring a red envelope?
Will the New Year ball drop?
Will 2024 be a good year?
Why does the old year stop?

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