So much more

Day 16: 'write a poem of negation – a poem that involves describing something in terms of what it is not, or not like.'

I tried to write a simple poem about all the things my dear husband isn’t, but discovered the things that he lacks are actually what makes him so special. 

Not tall, dark, conventionally handsome, 
You rock long, white curls, creased blue eyes. 

Not the type to act sentimental,
You have my back, my greatest protector.

Not tidy! Stuff lies abandoned,
Reminders of you when you're not around. 

Spend far too much time fishing,
Giving me free time to do as I please. 

Never finish a job, always on to the next, 
Our house has been transformed. 

Don't understand poems, whoever wrote them, 
Your rare likes on my posts make me glow inside. 

Not my first love, first husband, first lover,
You will be my last, you're a hard act to follow. 

© Copyright 2023. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.


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