
Day 15: think of a person – real or imagined – who has been held out to you as an example of how to be of live, but who you have always had doubts about. Write a poem that exaggerates the supposedly admirable qualities of the person in a way that exposes your doubts.

Halfway through the challenge! I'm enjoying it immensely on the days I have time to sit and think and play around.  Days like today though,  I need to force myself to sit and focus before heading out the door, promising myself I'll revise it later.  I've no idea how people do it if they have a full time job. 

Why can't you be more like Sue?
She's always so nicely turned out, 
Goes shopping with her mum, 
They've even bought the same duvet covers!

My mother's pleas fell on rebellious ears
At a time when everything was questioned, 
Pushed hard against, rejected, for the new,
The shocking, the defiant, the authentic. 

My future would not be as a clone,
Joining the ranks of Stepford wives
Pursuing the hopes and dreams
Of a generation that had missed their chance.

I never thought back then that she might
Simply have liked some company to share her days,
Her dreams and decisions, to get to know me
As a friend, not just a daughter.

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