Meeting point

Day 25: write an occasional poem - about an occasion in the past or the future, one important to you and your family.  Yesterday I finished Matthew Haig's excellent Midnight Library,  which explores how different a life would be if different decisions were taken at certain points in your life.  I've always been amazed at how events come together to spin you off in a different direction; this poem celebrates one such occasion,  and flows from the coincidence of reading that book and receiving this prompt. 

Was it written in the stars
Were there beneficial karmas
That led to the convergence of our paths? 

My life had become a bit humdrum,
Signed up for the course as a bit of fun,
I didn't intend to meet 'the one'.

Was our meeting always meant
Was it somehow heaven sent
Were the planets in alignment?

You were looking for a university course
One your bosses could endorse, 
You didn't intend to be blown off course. 

So, was it luck or pure blind chance
That led us to that fateful dance
And so began a new romance? 

Was it fate, kismet, destiny?
Or was it more prosaically
An accident of individual decision trees?

 © Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved 


  1. I believe in karma -- good karma, like yours. Nice job!

  2. Marvelous work, Chris. I did a "1st Meeting" piece, too.


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