Normality Day 30: it's the last day of the NaPoWriMo challenge, because it actually takes place in April which has only 30 days. Instead of a farewell theme, this year the challenge is to write a poem about something that returns. Each day of the pandemic I tell myself this: After each crisis, personal, local or universal, Whichever form it takes - Health or relationship breakdowns, Floods, fire, even pandemics - Eventually things get back to normal. One day, maybe not soon, but not too far distant We'll get up in the morning And not have to remind ourselves That things have changed, of this week's rules. We'll go about our life in the old way: Meet up with family, with friends, Hug them without wanting to never let them go, Share a meal, a cup of coffee, a pint, Go shopping without queuing outside, And get cross when we have to wait, Keep appointments to have our hair cut, our teeth checked, Work out at the gym, swim in a public pool, Meet in gr...