The universe vibrating

The universe vibrating

Day 23: write a poem about a particular letter of the alphabet, or perhaps, the letters that form a short word. Doesn’t “S” look sneaky and snakelike? And “W” clearly doesn’t know where it’s going! Think about the shape of the letter(s), and use that as the take-off point for your poem.

My chosen word represents the sound of the universe vibrating. It's a very short word,  so I thought I'd add a description of the physical side of creating the sound which is very much a part of the experience. 

Nostrils flare wide, breath rushes deep inside,  
Abdomen tenses, the body stilled in a delicious pause,
Lips form the perfect circle
As air releases out through the windpipe 
As slowly and as evenly as possible:

O - on and on the sound vibrates around 
M- moves it up and down, lips tingle, breath becomes ragged.

The body vibrates in synch with the world
Energy concentrated in a single word. 

© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved 


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