Day 29: once again I'm going away from the NaPoWriMo prompt which is to write a paean to a pet. Having already written a eulogy for each of my cats I'm taking inspiration instead from the daily prompt from the Isolation Gallery, a wonderful Facebook group where members share images and words on the theme of the day. Today's theme is: eyes., and this just wrote itself!
Two things on which I heavily rely
My left, and to a lesser extent, right eye.
Sketching, cooking, writing, reading,
Painting, sewing, walking, weeding,
All compromised by their constant weeping,
Itching, soreness, incessant seeping.
Oh the comfort of a moist heat mask!
Ten minutes of peace which soon flash past
Then massage, wipes, and two eye drops
Fingers crossed the irritation stops.
Blepheratis is such a curse
But going blind would be so much worse.
© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
Day 29: once again I'm going away from the NaPoWriMo prompt which is to write a paean to a pet. Having already written a eulogy for each of my cats I'm taking inspiration instead from the daily prompt from the Isolation Gallery, a wonderful Facebook group where members share images and words on the theme of the day. Today's theme is: eyes., and this just wrote itself!
Two things on which I heavily rely
My left, and to a lesser extent, right eye.
Sketching, cooking, writing, reading,
Painting, sewing, walking, weeding,
All compromised by their constant weeping,
Itching, soreness, incessant seeping.
Oh the comfort of a moist heat mask!
Ten minutes of peace which soon flash past
Then massage, wipes, and two eye drops
Fingers crossed the irritation stops.
Blepheratis is such a curse
But going blind would be so much worse.
© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
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