Statistics, damned statistics

Statistics,  damned statistics

Day 4 of the NaPoWriMo challenge is a big challenge. Create a poem using as many of the "twenty little poetry projects" originally developed by Jim Simmerman. There are too many to list but if you're interested,  you can find them at  I managed to fit in 5 out of the twenty, but in the end they became irrelevant as the poem took its own direction.

The daily stats are a marshy bog
In which I briefly stay afloat
Before sinking into utter incomprehension,
My only reassurance - the newsreader
Seems as swamped as I am.

Numbers follow numbers (all bad)
Each day is deja vu: more deaths,
In hospitals, in care homes
More shortages of PPE.

Each day the stats keep coming,
Relentless, baffling, heartbreaking:
Each number a person taken too early,
Dying alone, their family grieving.

This cannot go on.
One day we'll hear news about things that used to bore us:
Politics, sport, celebrity gossip,
We'll go back to normal
Not the 'new normal'
Not the 'old normal'
Just normal.

One day I'll walk once more on solid ground.

© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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