
Showing posts from September, 2018

Autumn puddles

Autumn The competition this month (closing date in November) is to write a poem about autumn,  avoiding the usual clichés.  So far I've come up with this,  which is far from competition standard,  but was a pleasant day dream for me this morning.  My red-headed,  red-wellied grandchild Kicks through the leaves stacked high under the trees, Blown into drifts by the park warden. Shrieking with delight as they fly Up into the air,  her face,  her hair. She screeches,  and runs, Scrunching their brittle dryness under her feet Towards puddles specially made for splashing. She turns and giggles,  holds out her arms Urging me to abandon my caution My worries about the wet and rotting leaves Dirt and hidden mess, To live in the moment To revel in the earthy smells,  the crisp sounds of autumn To let go,  and be a child once more. © Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


Trigger Another Writing Magazine challenge: imagine finding an item in a charity shop that is clearly a holiday souvenir.  20 minutes. Passing time,  rootling through the shelves in a charity shop I spot you - an ugly piece of china With the name of a seaside town in distinctive script. How did you get here,  so far from the sea? Were the memories too faded,  or too painful, Were you an unwanted gift from a dutiful aunt? You sit in my hand,  small but weighty As a rush of memories engulfs me: Hot summer sand between my toes, waves lapping at my ankles Shells plundered and kept as treasure Seagulls wheeling above me in the sea breeze Saucy postcards greedily devoured, but never bought Shillings in a juke box proclaiming my identity Chips out of the bag,  fizzy pop, sticks of rock,  candy floss. I place you back on the shelf And take my memories outside. © Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved

The book group trip to Bristol

The book group trip to Bristol Inspired by reading Birdcage Walk by Helen Dunmore,  our book group decided to go on a summer outing to Bristol to find the places mentioned in the book.  As expected it turned into the usual mix of talking,  laughing and eating! A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all.  The song by Fiddler's Dram came to by way of inspiration for this poem. Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Bristol Eight of us came,  to get on the train,  and battle with the ticket machine Then on to a bus,  for some with a pass,  group ticket for the youngest We chatted away,  with so much to say,   as the day sped past. Do you recall the thrill of it all,  as we went to Primrose Café Sarnies all round,  except those who found,  the sweet things irresistible Then off to the shop,  while some had to stop, to answer the call of nature Laughing away,  we made the most of our stay, ...