The book group trip to Bristol

The book group trip to Bristol

Inspired by reading Birdcage Walk by Helen Dunmore,  our book group decided to go on a summer outing to Bristol to find the places mentioned in the book.  As expected it turned into the usual mix of talking,  laughing and eating! A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all.  The song by Fiddler's Dram came to by way of inspiration for this poem.

Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Bristol
Eight of us came,  to get on the train,  and battle with the ticket machine
Then on to a bus,  for some with a pass,  group ticket for the youngest
We chatted away,  with so much to say,   as the day sped past.

Do you recall the thrill of it all,  as we went to Primrose Café
Sarnies all round,  except those who found,  the sweet things irresistible
Then off to the shop,  while some had to stop, to answer the call of nature
Laughing away,  we made the most of our stay, as the day sped past.

Wasn't it fine it took us some time, to find the right direction
With i- phone in hand, Pam spied out the land,  and led us straight to the place
Trees met overhead,  in that place of the dead,  and tomb stones lay around us
You vaulted the wall,  and none had a fall,  while we walked round.

Wasn't it grand,  at three as we'd planned,  we stepped into The Ivy
Scones,  jam and cream,  a choice of posh tea,  (and coffee for the philistine)
We talked as we ate,  and cleared every plate,  amid much fun and laughter
We'd never had better,  and at under a tenner,  we vowed we'd all return.

Didn't we sigh,  that time seemed to fly,  when our trip was almost over
We'd seen such a lot,  and not lost the plot,  and bound our friendships closer,
On the way back,  we were squashed in the pack,  but found a seat together
Still chatting away,  about our wonderful day,  as the train sped home.

© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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