Another Writing Magazine challenge: imagine finding an item in a charity shop that is clearly a holiday souvenir. 20 minutes.
Passing time, rootling through the shelves in a charity shop
I spot you - an ugly piece of china
With the name of a seaside town in distinctive script.
How did you get here, so far from the sea?
Were the memories too faded, or too painful,
Were you an unwanted gift from a dutiful aunt?
You sit in my hand, small but weighty
As a rush of memories engulfs me:
Hot summer sand between my toes, waves lapping at my ankles
Shells plundered and kept as treasure
Seagulls wheeling above me in the sea breeze
Saucy postcards greedily devoured, but never bought
Shillings in a juke box proclaiming my identity
Chips out of the bag, fizzy pop, sticks of rock, candy floss.
I place you back on the shelf
And take my memories outside.
© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
Another Writing Magazine challenge: imagine finding an item in a charity shop that is clearly a holiday souvenir. 20 minutes.
Passing time, rootling through the shelves in a charity shop
I spot you - an ugly piece of china
With the name of a seaside town in distinctive script.
How did you get here, so far from the sea?
Were the memories too faded, or too painful,
Were you an unwanted gift from a dutiful aunt?
You sit in my hand, small but weighty
As a rush of memories engulfs me:
Hot summer sand between my toes, waves lapping at my ankles
Shells plundered and kept as treasure
Seagulls wheeling above me in the sea breeze
Saucy postcards greedily devoured, but never bought
Shillings in a juke box proclaiming my identity
Chips out of the bag, fizzy pop, sticks of rock, candy floss.
I place you back on the shelf
And take my memories outside.
© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
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