My book has taken a formal turn, setting us exercises to write in various poetic forms. The first is the villanelle, a very repetitive form, where two of the lines repeat four times, and there are only two rhymes for all 19 lines.
I've been looking at poems about insects for my next poetry group meeting so perhaps it's not so surprising I've written about how to attract bees.
The honeysuckle lifts its skirts up high
Pink frilly petticoats all on show
To snare the bees as they fly by.
A sunny day in late July
While bees about the garden come and go
The honeysuckle lifts its skirts up high.
Buddleia, ox-eyes, foxgloves, all attempt to ply
Their wares; scent and colour all they know
To snare the bees as they fly by.
Bees buzz, hover, land, take to the sky
Their senses enflamed; while down below
The honeysuckle lifts its skirts up high.
Their sickly sweet scent drifts like a sigh
From a weary lover; soft breezes blow
To snare the bees as they fly by.
With many near rivals, it doesn't do to be shy
You must send strong signals, modesty forego,
So the honeysuckle lifts its skirts up high
To snare the bees as they fly by.
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