
Day 25: ' write a poem based on the “Proust Questionnaire,” a set of questions drawn from Victorian-era parlor games, and adapted by modern interviewers. You could choose to answer the whole questionnaire, and then write a poem based on your answers, answer just a few, or just write a poem that’s based on the questions. You could even write a poem in the form of an entirely new Proust Questionnaire.'

Typically I read the prompt in a rush before going swimming, seized on the word 'virtue' and composed something while in the pool.  It was only when I got back home that I realised the question was about the most overrated virtue.  Too late, I've written instead about the most underrated virtue: kindness. 

It's hidden in the little things
That brighten up each day.

It's in the chores done without prompting, 
The coins you save for my after-swim hairdryer, 
The morning coffee brewed with a smile,
The blanket shared on chilly evenings.

It's in the well stocked bird feeders, 
The bee friendly plants, the gift of No Mow May,
The cuttings, seeds, and seedlings shared freely, 
The friendly neighbourly greeting.

It's in the offers, and the errands run, 
The proffer of a cup of tea, time shared for a chat, 
The text, the phone call, the keeping in touch,
The remembered preferences, the thoughtful gift. 

It's in the flash of headlights, the giving way or thanks, 
The money in the collection box,  
The crazy pavement dance, the door held open,
The place surrendered in a queue. 

It seeps out from each little act,
To stop the world turning sour. 

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