Day 11: 'write either a monostich, which is a one-line poem, or a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentiments. Need inspiration? Take a look at Joe Brainard’s poem “30 One-Liners” or Frank O’Hara’s “Lines for the Fortune Cookies.”'
Good grief! And I thought writing haiku was difficult! It's impossible for me to be that succinct, so I thought I'd try to come up with a line for each activity/experience during the day. Breakfast was pure fantasy, sadly.
Early Morning
Coffee steam mingles with the mist that creeps towards the house.
Swimming Pool
Scything the water, each stroke slick, towards the half-mile goal.
The pan-warm egg melts butter into the greedy bread, as I take my first bite.
Washing Day
Clothes transform from a crumpled, dirty jumble to a folded, fresh-scented pile.
Hangs like tears from the washing line, day after day.
Sharing stories from our day, we weave our separate threads together again.
The TV flickers in the light from the fire, as we relax into the nearing night.
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