Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner

Day 23: 'write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.'

My childhood hero was Batman, which used to be on TV around tea time on the night I used to go to Girl Guides.  It was the series starting Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as his sidekick Robin, and there was just about enough time to watch up to the closing credits before I had to run out the door. 

The TV had pride of place opposite the dining table,
Encouraging the habit of watching TV at mealtimes, 
Eating too fast, matching the pace of the action onscreen,
Not noticing what was disappearing from the plate. 
Friday evenings were spent with the caped crusaders, 
With just enough time to eat dinner and grab my stuff 
Before the mad dash to Guides. The jeopardy of the rush 
Increased the excitement of Batman chasing the villains, 
Landing a Biff! Pow! Bam! on their weak and puny bodies, 
His cape swirling in their faces, until justice was restored.  
My mum would despair, but I couldn't miss the end,  
When Batman would escape the evil clutches of the Penguin, 
Joker, or Riddler - with their crazy technicolour costumes 
You could tell they were up to no good. As the credits rolled
And the theme tune played, I'd be running out the door, 
Singing 'Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, Batman!'

© Copyright 2024. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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