A hard ride

Horrendous day today - set off from Kathmandu at 7.45am, got to Pokhara 6.30pm. The road was being upgraded along its entire length all at once,  meaning there was virtually no tarmac for 220km.

The road from Kathmandu to Pokhara
will be spectacular when finished;
winding its way through screenprinted landscapes,
successive steep-sided valleys
tree-coated, river-lined, mountain-shaded. 

As it is, we are shaken, rattled and rolled
along its 11-hour long, baked earth track,
each rut, pockmark, missing piece of road 
bouncing us in our seats,
each jolt straining our bladders.

By hour eight we care little
for distant white-capped mountains;
we pray for a smooth patch of road,
the next toilet break.

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