Waiting for the tender

Most of the time we were in the Caribbean the ship was able to dock in port,  but in Santiago de Cuba and Grand Cayman we had to moor up in deeper water and travel to shore by tender boat.  I rather enjoyed this extra boat trip but it wasn't universally popular as there was inevitably a delay before boarding.  

Impatient to get going, 
to explore each new island on this Caribbean odyssey 
our tour guide's announcement prompts ripples of groans.
They moan as if it's his choice,  his fault, 
they're missing half an hour of their time onshore. 
When the rope is lifted the crowd surges forward, 
Pushing their way to the front
For the best seats, for the best view, 
Closest to the exit, to be the first to set foot
On this strange new land.  

© Copyright 2023. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.


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