Left behind
One of the reasons we tend to go on tours arranged through the ship is they will always wait for you. If you arrange them independently you are not so safe!
His anxiety is triggered at the very start
By a twenty minute delay on a four hour trip.
He reminds the guide at our first stop
"The last tender goes at 2pm!"
Each time we stop for photos he mutters
"Oh no!" Then "Hurry up"!"
Checks his watch, exclaims at each allotted stop.
His anxiety spreads, infecting others.
Arrival back at port, twenty minutes late
Is fraught with fear, despite the sight
Of a tender waiting at the dock.
Emerging minutes later from customs,
A general wail escapes the group:
"It's going, and it's not even full!"
In vain we try to reassure
They won't leave us behind.
Another tender chugs up,
Waits for us all to board,
Then longer, just to be sure
No-one is left behind.
© Copyright 2023. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.
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