Grass under my feet
I've just treated myself to a lovely little book which illustrates an example of native flora or fauna each day. Today's was a list of grasses - I've had a grass identification guide on my Amazon wish list for years - perhaps it's time to order it!
in my childhood
the waist high grass on the disused airfield
was for wading through slowly
the seed heads slipping through our fingers
tickling our bare legs,
sticking in our sandal buckles
until we caught them under our nails
and stripped them from their stems.
it was for squashing down flat into dens
our own special place
where we could hide for hours
plaiting the tallest stems into ropes for bracelets,
making catapults, each heavy seed head
thwacking satisfyingly into a friend
it gave us darts to stick in each other's clothes -
it was the bane of our mothers' lives.
in adulthood
the fascination with those different grasses
the myriad ways they flower, and seed,
morphed into a need to classify, to name,
to differentiate,
their common names a hymn to individuality.
the fescues: tall, red, sheep's and viviparous, quaking grass, sweet vernal grass,
creeping soft grass, crested hair grass,
bristle bent, brown bent, creeping bent, common bent,
meadow oat grass, downy oatgrass,
purple moorgrass, perennial rye grass,
Yorkshire fog,
crested dog's tail, sand cat's tail,
marsh foxtail, meadow foxtail, cock's foot,
wavy hair grass, smooth finger grass,
upright brome, marram and couch.
such wonderful old time names
for a plant sowing its seeds
throughout our less complicated past.
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