Apple goddess

Day25: today's prompt is based on the aisling, a poetic form that developed in Ireland. An aisling recounts a dream or vision featuring a woman who represents the land or country on/in which the poet lives, and who speaks to the poet about it. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that recounts a dream or vision, and in which a woman appears who represents or reflects the area in which you live. 

She comes to me, sweet and tender, 
As I sigh, and weep my dreadful dirge
Over the diseased roots of the apple tree,
Pleading forgiveness for its felling.
Her arms encircle me, soft as the breeze,
Her soothing words whisper in my ear:
Don't grieve, it is the natural way. 
Life thrives,  matures,  then weakens,
Succumbs to the force of disease
Which also needs to thrive.
The tree lives on in your memory,
Will be reborn in the sapling, waiting,
Ready to take its place. 
My tears dry on my cheeks
As the fresh scent of apples  
Dissipates on the breeze. 

© Copyright 2022. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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