
As a warm up to this year's NaPoWriMo, which is only a week away,  I thought I'd have a go at a writing prompt in this month's Writing Magazine. It suggested writing a poem using the perspective of a unicorn, speaking to someone who is looking up at it in wonder, shock,  confusion. Think about what they might ask of the unicorn.   Bit of an odd one,  but it got the juices flowing. 


You did not call me;
I was drawn by your longing,
Your need whispered its way across the oceans,
Drew me to this moonlit garden
Where you stand, heart breaking, 
Under the stars. 

No need to be afraid.  Trust in my magic.
I'm here to help you, calm you, free you, 
Take away your pain. 
A few moments is all it takes.
Place one hand on my horn,
The other on your heart.
Rest your wet cheek softly against my flank.

In the morning you'll wonder
Was I really here? 
There will be no sign
Apart from faint hoofprints in the dew
And a new sense of hope. 

© Copyright 2022. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.



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