Another one of the workshop exercises on Wednesday was to create an acrostic poem using your friend's name. How can I post just one, when I'm lucky enough to have so many good friends? Saying that, I find acrostics very challenging, so have limited myself to first names only, trying to create a pen picture of each person within a few lines. See if you recognise yourself!
Selfless and generous,
Hair long and lustrous,
Expert garden knowledge shared alongside your cuttings,
Indian takeaways lasting long into the night,
Long chats over coffee or on walks through the countryside,
Always there, offering help before I realise I need it.
Supremely glamorous, hair, face and clothes immaculate,
Unstinting workhorse, tireless grandmother,
Everything I wish I could be!
Jolly, clever, amazing artist, soft shelled,
Only a short friendship, but so sympatico!
Green to the core, unless feminism trumps environment,
Irascible, uncompromising, never sitting on the fence,
Logical, rarely emotional, but with a huge heart,
Loving grandmother, greatly missed friend.
Jaunty in your loose layered clothes,
Innumerable carefully chosen curios enriching each room,
Lilting Welsh voice dancing over the poems you share,
Lovely, kind lady, always ready for a cwtch.
Fiercely independent
Rarely at a loss for a solution to my problems
A hundred percent committed to your work
Now nervously considering retirement.
Long ago you took a chance on having me on your team,
In time we became friends, part of the "ladies who lunch",
Now cornerstone of "ladies who read!"
Devoted reader, traveller, gardener, football supporter,
A fantastic role model, showing me age is no barrier.
Civil, civil servant once -
Angry green warrior now -
Retirement brought you out of your shell
Rarely loud or insistent,
Outwardly soft spoken, you get your point across,
Supportive of my faltering steps towards poetry
I value your always truthful opinion
Entertain the hope that I'll get to know you better soon.
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