To do list: Apis mellifera

Day 9: write a poem in the form of a “to-do list.” The fun of this prompt is to make it the “to-do list” of an unusual person or character. For example, what’s on the Tooth Fairy’s to-do list? Or on the to-do list of Genghis Khan? Of a housefly? 

I've been noticing the odd bee in our garden,  buzzing around looking for flowers to visit in this early spring weather,  so it seemed a natural choice. 

The hive has warmed earlier than expected
Alive with the buzz of expectation. 
A good thing: last year there weren't enough hours in the day
Especially as not everybee pulls their weight -
Naming no names, but you know who you are drones -
With careful planning we can do this. 

One: attend the briefing, 
Be assigned my allocated sector,
Research the flowers expected in bloom.  

Two: get my wings tuned.
They're making an odd noise
Not quite up to the vigour of last year's buzz. 

Three: Stop off for breakfast.
The honeycomb is running dry
Despite the short winter.

(Maybe swap points two and three).

Four: Sharpen my sting. 
Always important to be ready for battle
Whilst hoping I never have to use it. 

Five: just do it!
Take the first step out of the door,
Breathe the sweet air, and fly. 

© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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