On a night picnic

Day 18: write a poem based on the title of one of the chapters from Susan G. Wooldridge’s Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life with Words. It's a book on how to write poetry,  but written in such a way as to inspire you with its own words.  The chapter title I've chosen is "On a night picnic" - not something I've ever done, but this imaginary outing may persuade me to try it. 

Ticking off our list of 'romantic things to do'
We check the forecast on the longest day,
Agree it's not cheating to go on the lightest night,
Indulge in a light supper - to take the edge off - 
Collect our things together. 

The car park is empty, bar a few
Late dog walkers, teenage chancers,
So we sit awhile, absorbing the silence
Before choosing the perfect spot
Overlooking the Estuary. 

After a day full of action, it takes a moment more of busyness
Sorting out blankets, chairs, picnic basket, 
Before we can calm our minds, 
Focus on the here and now, 
Breathe in time with each other. 

In this empty space, under stars not yet visible, 
We find ourselves talking more softly,
Despite the lack of eavesdroppers,
Not wishing to disturb the quiet, 
Creating an intimacy absent in daytime hurly burly. 

We pour ourselves a warming drink
Snuggled together under a shared blanket
Looking up at the evening sky
As the weakening sun struggles to set
On our night picnic.  

© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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