No pain, no gain

Day 16: 'relax with the rather silly form called Skeltonic, or tumbling, verse. In this form, there’s no specific number of syllables per line, but each line should be short, and should aim to have two or three stressed syllables. And the lines should rhyme. You just rhyme the same sound until you get tired of it, and then move on to another sound.  Skeltonic verse is a fun way to get some words on the page without racking your brains for deep meaning. It’s a form that lends itself particularly well to poems for children, satirical verse, and just plain nonsense.'  

No pain, no gain

I'm going back to the gym -
I've even booked a swim -
I'm expecting it to be grim
Waking my dormant limbs. 
But I've sat in this chair far too long
It's started to feel I belong. 
I know my muscles will shake 
And my whole body will ache 
But avoiding the pain's a mistake -
When I get home I can flake! 

© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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