Almost but not quite
Day 19: write a humorous rant. You may excoriate to your heart’s content all the things that get on your nerves.
There's something we suffer from in this house
The common, but seldom diagnosed condition
Of Almost But Not Quite-itis.
It can start slowly, but if left untreated
It will spread, to other parts of your life, to your partner.
Once it takes hold you will find:
Socks on the floor next to the washing basket,
Empty packaging on the worktop over the bin,
Piles of books on the stairs,
A tottering pile of washing up left to drain,
Bags or piles of weeds scattered over the garden,
Sofas with no room to sit down,
Decorated rooms with one detail left to finish,
Letters waiting on the mantel shelf for the next trip to the post box.
You'd think these little things would add up
Would point towards a diagnosis,
Be enough for behavioural change.
Almost, but not quite.
© Copyright 2021. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
I'm glad you didn't put off posting this fine poem. Or, if I'm not glad yet, I WILL get around to it.