The distance between us
This year has seen the distance grow wider:
Two metres now the norm, safe, polite, caring;
Anything less an intrusion,
An affront, a challenge, an unnecessary risk.
Watching old programmes, looking through old photos,
I'm struck by how much closer we felt comfortable with.
How we embraced our friends, casually bumped heads together,
Clasped elbows in laughter, caught hands to grab attention,
Kissed our grandchildrens' soft heads easily and often,
Held loved ones tight, without giving it a second thought.
All that closeness seems shockingly intimate, rash.
Now TV announcers feel the need to explain
"The following programme was filmed before corona virus restrictions"
To protect viewers against anxiety at yesterday's norm,
To prevent complaints from a self righteous audience.
In just nine months we've changed our social customs,
Gone from happily ignoring fellow passengers
Pressed tight against us on the train or bus,
To indignantly complaining about thoughtless strangers
Who don't step to the side to let us past,
Who refuse to wear masks inside, or wear them incorrectly.
We are the judge and jury, ignoring the possibly of mitigation.
It's scary how quickly we forgot the ease of being close
How we accepted this new ease of distance.
But I'm hopeful that this won't be the case for ever,
That soon we'll feel able to return to old norms,
Before this new normal becomes too deeply ingrained.
© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
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