Midnight walk

I wrote this ten years ago, after a charity walk.  It seems like an impossible thing to do nowadays - we'd have to do it virtually,  on our own or in family groups.  

Fancy a girls' night out?
A ten mile walk, for charity, starting at midnight - women only. 
How could I refuse such an enticing invitation?

Before I could take part I had to cross two hurdles
Getting fit enough to walk 10 miles, and
Finding someone to walk with - two new friends. 

On the night a thousand women
Representatives of all ages and fitness levels
Gathered on the sports field next to the deer park. 

After a muscle warming disco we set off into the darkness
Lit only by a line of hundreds of flashing bunny ears
And a shining full moon. 

The first two miles across the park were easy
The line keeping close together, chatting, laughing, 
Beginning to pull apart into smaller groups by the half way mark. 

Hips began to complain in the last two miles,
Frustrating blisters appeared out of nowhere
Reminding us we were doing this for a good cause. 

Keeping each other cheerful, refusing to be negative, 
Weary but determined we crossed the line
Noting down our finish time like marathon runners!

Our arrival was met with cheering and clapping 
With medals for the weary and breakfast for the hungry
Relief for all involved.   

                                              I'd do it again in a flash. 

Copyright 2010 Chris Auger.  All Rights Reserved. 


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