
Showing posts from July, 2020

Today is the day

Today is the day My Fitbit greeted me this morning with the words "Today's the day", as it has done so many times before.  Instead of eliciting the usual inward groan at  such a banal cliché, it spoke to my mood as I return to the gym for the first time since lockdown.  It really does feel like a new beginning -  almost a return to an old normality. Today is the day I stop sleepwalking Too afraid to open my eyes wider than a slit In case I spot the danger lurking in the shadows. Today is the day I take back my life Stop numbing my body with comfort Start back in the road to fitness. Today is the day I stop hiding from myself Hang up my loosely fitting clothes, Embrace this surge of positivity. Today is the day I take back my world Build a new normality of my own choosing Stop hiding in the shadows and break out to the sun. © Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved

Purple spires

Purple spires Is it the shape of each buddleia spire That painted ladies, red admirals, and peacocks admire? Their dense purple colour, or intoxicating scent That interrupts flight and prompts a descent? Are their tapered cones waving in the breeze Antennae sirens calling out to passing bees? Whatever; each purple flag pointing up to the sky Advertises sweet nectar to all flying by. © Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


Accident At the weekend I had a wonderful day out with my son and grandson.  It was so much fun we didn't want it to end and the little one called me back to say goodbye one last time.  I was glad to do it even though it made me late, then as I was rushing home I got caught up in a tailback.  Stuck on the motorway Stationary Thinking: there but for the grace Of my grandson's sad face Which made me delay Before I got on my way, I could now be at the front of this queue With a much grimmer view Or worse, be under the bridge Caught up in the carnage. Thankful, I count the ambulances, Fire engines, police cars rushing past And sit with grateful patience Until I can move on, at last. © Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


Vertigo Is it the fear that I might fall? Or that I might obey the pull, and step off? Now I am older and aware of what there is to lose I tell myself, it's fear of falling: I've turned my back on risks,  take care of what I do. Cable cars,  high towers,  ladders,  glass floors All hold a special kind of terror - A stomach churning, inability to look, A holding on tightly to hands,  guard rails,  rock faces, Unable to let go and enjoy the moment. In younger days, when falling held no fear, And less likely to tell myself comforting stories, I knew I was drawn to edges.  Two memories: Aged ten, on my way to school, Veering close to the kerb as a car approached, Feeling the pull, but pulling back as it passed. A few years later, again travelling to school, Standing safely back from the platform edge, Then edging closer, facing the front of the train, Feeling the strength of its pull. My mum sought the solution at the doctor's- Ga...


Sanctuary Rapid as a river My thoughts race swiftly round Between hard rocky barriers Over bumpy ground. They churn, return, and flounder Drowning me in dread I wish I could get rid of them Swirling in my head. I need a place of sanctuary Where everything is calm I need to walk through leafy woods Drink in their soothing balm. I used to hit the bottle When things got really bad But numbness never gave the answer Like a walk in woodlands has. Silent as a chapel Thoughts and breath aligned I feel the peace wash over me The whirlpool left behind. © Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


Purple I don't think there'll ever be a poem about the colour purple as good as Jenny Joseph's 'Warning'  - it's what always come to mind when I put on something purple! As I grow older I find I'm choosing purple - Glasses, watchstrap, earrings, shoes. One day last year, As I was leaving the gym - Sweaty, in need of a shower - One of the personal trainers ran after me Took my elbow, said "I hope you don't mind me saying, You look good in purple". After the shock and embarrassment wore off I thanked her, and walked off with a smile. Now I'm choosing purple more often. © Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved