Favourite bird

Favourite bird

I'm trying my best to delay starting the NaPoWriMo challenge until the 1st of May,  so I can compose a poem a day for a month,  but I had a sneaky peak this morning.  I reckon it's not cheating if I do the warm up challenge! Write a poem about your favourite bird.

I thought I loved the peregrine
The beauty of its form
The adrenaline shock of its stoop
Its home of craggy rock.

But all the while the buzzard
With its workaday looks
Broad shouldered,  wide winged,
Feathered tips outstretched to grasp the air
On its solid soar on a leisurely path
Had won my heart.

I watch the buzzards climb
High in our wooded valley,
And know this is home.

© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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