Balance sheet
Balance sheet
We're off on a fabulous 7 week cruise in a few days, and because we'll be away for so long we're trying to get things organised - someone to fill up the garden feeders so the birds don't go hungry, someone to feed the fish in our pond. This morning we trimmed the hedges, which made me feel sad we'll miss the garden waking up in early spring. We'll miss a lot of good things but also some bad!
I won't miss the rain,
The deepening potholes,
Diversions round floods,
Named storms in quick succession;
And the worry about coronavirus.
I will miss the sights of spring:
The brightness of daffodils bobbing
Amongst the brief showiness of tulips,
And cheery, cherry blossom;
The woods' gradual greening.
I'll miss the chance to chat with friends
In groups, in cafés,
Sharing our lives,
Birthdays, Easter, chocolate eggs.
Most of all, I will miss
My grandchildren. Noisy, always arguing,
Fighting amongst themselves, then
Telling me they love me
Their small hand held safe in mine
As we walk down the road;
Giggling as I find each ticklish spot,
The youngest's deep throated chuckles
As he lies playing peek-a-boo.
© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
We're off on a fabulous 7 week cruise in a few days, and because we'll be away for so long we're trying to get things organised - someone to fill up the garden feeders so the birds don't go hungry, someone to feed the fish in our pond. This morning we trimmed the hedges, which made me feel sad we'll miss the garden waking up in early spring. We'll miss a lot of good things but also some bad!
I won't miss the rain,
The deepening potholes,
Diversions round floods,
Named storms in quick succession;
And the worry about coronavirus.
I will miss the sights of spring:
The brightness of daffodils bobbing
Amongst the brief showiness of tulips,
And cheery, cherry blossom;
The woods' gradual greening.
I'll miss the chance to chat with friends
In groups, in cafés,
Sharing our lives,
Birthdays, Easter, chocolate eggs.
Most of all, I will miss
My grandchildren. Noisy, always arguing,
Fighting amongst themselves, then
Telling me they love me
Their small hand held safe in mine
As we walk down the road;
Giggling as I find each ticklish spot,
The youngest's deep throated chuckles
As he lies playing peek-a-boo.
© Copyright 2020. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved
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