Keeping the peace

Keeping the peace

September's Writing Magazine prompt is about keeping the peace, or finding peace in difficult situations.

In her teens, my feisty older sister
Fought hard against our mum's rules and restrictions.
They argued their loud way through disagreements
Neither of them backing down,
Neither letting the other have the last word.
She was often denied permission
On what to wear,  who to see,
Made to stay in, or worse -
To come with us on family outings:
"You will come,  and you will enjoy yourself."

My teens came four years later,
A secret apprenticeship, watching from the sidelines
Taught me the wisdom of secrets and subterfuge.
Skirts could be worn longer,
And rolled up once out of sight.
Curfews could be 10pm,
If only the bus hadn't been late/cancelled/
Or I hadn't spent the fare by mistake.
Boys could be met away from home
Until I could be sure they'd pass the test.

Years later, my sister took me to task:
"You let me fight all the battles,
And those I didn't win, you just ignored
And went behind her back!"
I had the advantage of being younger -
I learnt from her mistakes.

My smugness lasted right up until the time
I had a teenaged daughter of my own.

© Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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