From there to here, alphabetically

From there to here,  alphabetically.

Day 19:  write an abecedarian poem – a poem in which the word choice follows the order of the alphabet. You could write a very strict abecedarian poem, in which there are twenty-six words in alphabetical order, or you could write one in which each line begins with a word that follows the order of the alphabet.

The first three lines took me in an unexpected direction,  back 15 years to a less happy, but more intense time.

After the rain,  the streetlights reflect 
Bright circles on the pavement 
Calling us to follow,  to join the dots,
Drawing us closer to the station, 
Ending our day together. 
For now,  we travel on separate paths, 
Guilty of wanting to be together,  when
Home pulls us in different directions. 
I grip your hand tightly
Jealous of it leaving mine so soon, 
Keeping you close,  
Longing to make time stand still. 
My train mercifully leaves after yours
No way I could be the first to go. 
Over the tannoy, an announcement crackles
"Platform 1 for trains to Birmingham and the North."
Quickly you pull me close
Run your fingers through my damp hair
Softly whisper nonsense instead of goodbye. 
Turning away I feel such
Uncontrollable desire to go with you
Verging on hysteria.
We hug and kiss, until the whistle blows,  
X rated maybe,  but these are desperate times.
You find a seat by the window, 
Zoning in on my brave smile. 

© Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved 


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