Emerging from hibernation

Emerging from hibernation

Every year, from Samhain to Imbolc (roughly November - January) when the days are short and evenings come early,  I find myself less and less willing to go out.  Sometime during February the days become noticeably lighter in the late afternoon,  and I find myself making plans.  It's not just me, either.  One of my friends just described herself as needing to shake off her winter hibernation!  This poem is for all of us hibernators, but especially Linda.

For three long months I've sat,
Played puzzle games
Planned fabulous holidays,
Ensconced in my conservatory
(Warmest room in the house)
Looking out at the gloomy half light,
Here in the lea of the hill.

Saturday was Imbolc
Balanced halfway
Between winter solstice and spring equinox:
Marker of new beginnings,
A time to plan changes,
To create new possibilities.

As if by magic
I hear from friend after friend -
Fancy a coffee?
Come for a walk?
Shall we meet up for lunch?
How about a trip to IKEA?
Slowly but surely we are emerging from hibernation.

© Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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