Night wakefulness

Night wakefulness

This happens about once a month.  It's annoying, as without my sleep I can be quite irritable! I always end up getting up, to avoid waking my husband.

Waking in the dark hours
The terror lingers until my heart beat slows,
Panic morphing into thoughts
Which toss and turn me:
Too much money spent, too little weight lost,
My to do list grows whilst sleep escapes me.

I've been here before in the night.
I get up and go downstairs
Turning each light switch -
Bedroom, hall, stairs, living room,  stairs,  kitchen -
On then off again behind me.

Nothing to do now but pass the time
(Two hours is usual)
Until my mind calms and I can sleep again.
Tidy up,  write down my list,
Hot drink,  read.

Creeping back to bed
I curl round your warm, sleeping body.
Close my eyes against the still dark
Focus on calming my breath,
Drift back to sleep.

© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


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