The lovers

The lovers

Pick a tarot card and write a poem inspired by its picture or meaning.  I'm not familiar with the individual cards but I know there's one called The Lovers.  I've written a lot of love poems,  so this is a gift on a day when I'm travelling to the Isle of Man and haven't got a lot of spare time.  Here's one of my favourites which I wrote in 2006.

My hairy-arsed miner tells me
"If you knew how much I love you,  you would never feel down"
And suddenly a smile erupts from deep inside to chase away my frown.

This pure piece of poetry
Astonishingly unexpected from this man of hidden feelings
Provides the support I crave,  and respite from all his teasings.

How different people can be
My torment of insecurity demanding constant reassurance
His absolute assumption of a shared unspoken confidence.

He asks,  "Do you need anything else to make you happy?"
Now there's a question. 

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