I am the same woman
Today's NaPoWriMo prompt is about different aspects of your identity: wife, mother, grandmother, ex- civil servant, artist, poet, Essex girl..... whatever, and how you feel powerful in some roles but vulnerable in others. As I was reading the prompt a poem I wrote back in 2009 jumped into my brain and refused to budge; so I'm cheating a little bit and not writing something new today.
I am the same woman
How you have changed - but I'd recognise you anywhere!
I look at my reflection and see silvering hair,
A growing etching of lines on my face, but know
I am the same woman inside.
I am the same woman
Who dreamed of the future
Who worried about everything
Who believed in the importance of truth
Who respected difference, and
Needed her friends.
I am the same woman inside.
I am the same woman
Who marched for her causes
Who struggled with insecurity,
And the challenge of children,
Who dreamt of utopia whilst knowing her frailty.
I am the same woman
Who escaped into books
Who aspired to the summits
And loved without shame.
© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.
Today's NaPoWriMo prompt is about different aspects of your identity: wife, mother, grandmother, ex- civil servant, artist, poet, Essex girl..... whatever, and how you feel powerful in some roles but vulnerable in others. As I was reading the prompt a poem I wrote back in 2009 jumped into my brain and refused to budge; so I'm cheating a little bit and not writing something new today.
I am the same woman
How you have changed - but I'd recognise you anywhere!
I look at my reflection and see silvering hair,
A growing etching of lines on my face, but know
I am the same woman inside.
I am the same woman
Who dreamed of the future
Who worried about everything
Who believed in the importance of truth
Who respected difference, and
Needed her friends.
I am the same woman inside.
I am the same woman
Who marched for her causes
Who struggled with insecurity,
And the challenge of children,
Who dreamt of utopia whilst knowing her frailty.
I am the same woman
Who escaped into books
Who aspired to the summits
And loved without shame.
© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.
That's not cheating. That's sharing poetry ;) which I think is the whole idea of NaPoWriMo -- or at least a big part of it.