Mythical sea monster

Mythical Sea Monsters

One of the challenges set by the creative writing tutor on board ship,  was to create a new mythical sea monster for the British Isles.  We looked at sea myths around the world,  and considered the psychology behind their origin.  As I visit relatives in Cornwall regularly I decided to set my monster there, to provide a fable explaining the area's history of shipwrecks and lost sailors.

I am the Kernowpie
A sailor,  shipwrecked
On the Cornish coast
Trapped in a narrow cave
So long ago,  I can't remember when.
I sit alone in the dark
Longing for company
Sobbing relentlessly in my loneliness
Gasping huge waves in, hoping
To suck in another shipwrecked shipmate.
But they perish on the rocks
Never reaching my cave
And I sob the empty water out again
In a barren rhythm:

Hopeful gasp

Fruitless search

Despairing sob.

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