Listing to port

Listing to Port

My first experience of rough weather on a cruise ship was crossing the Bay of Biscay this January,  in gale force 8 conditions.  Fortunately I didn't suffer any sea sickness but the force of the winds was very alarming, especially as the ship had a very steep list to port and we were not allowed on deck.

Listing to port on the Bay of Biscay
Gale force eight with six metre waves
Crashing against our cabin window,
Drenching the decks on levels 8 and 9.
We stagger up the stairs,  leaning into the incline
Smiling at fellow passengers,  walking like we're drunk
Passing off anxiety with a nervous laugh
"Isn't this ridiculous! My chair just slid across the bar!"

The captain announces a change of plan,
"We're not stopping at Lisbon,  progress has been too slow."
A murmur of disappointment ripples through the ship,  until
"We're stopping at Vigo instead"
And we smile at the thought of a safe harbour in a stormy sea.

For the first time I'm aware of being in a (relatively) small boat
In a huge, deep sea,  at the mercy of the wind and the waves.
The lifeboat drill doesn't seem so quaintly old - fashioned
From where I'm sitting
Holding on to my drink,  and my fears.

© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.


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