

It's a very particular feeling,  the end of a cruise.  You're docked  and impatient to get on your way home,  but you're unable to get off the ship until it's your turn. Unlike the rest of the trip, it's pointless striking up conversations with new people as you'll never see them again. Waiting in the bar lounge of our cruise ship, I was doing my usual people watching,  and tried to capture the atmosphere.

Small groups gather,  dotted around the ship
Waiting to hear when they can leave.
Newly forged friendships about to end
Couples sitting silently side by side
Checking they've got everything,
Nothing left in the cabin.
Newly coupled singles making the most
Of every minute of their last hour together.
Everyone surrounded by a pile of coats and bags,
Ready for the cold again.
Will we get off early?
Will our cases be waiting for us?
How long will it take you to get home?
Last minute trips to the loo -
Have I got time?
Checking mobiles - a signal at last!  not roaming!
Awkward extra meetings,
Formal goodbyes made last night.
Faces of those all around conjuring memories,
Things said,  things done,  trips taken together
Will we keep in touch?
Could they be our new best friends?
Wishing we'd asked for more email addresses.
Announcements over the tannoy,
Everyone waiting for the magic phrase:
"Will people with blue luggage labels
Please make their way to level 5, for disembarkation."
The end of a voyage.

© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.


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