Boi Bumba

Boi Bumba 

Every June in Paratins, Brazil they celebrate the Boi Bumba festival in a 6 hour fiesta, where two teams compete to tell the story of a stolen bull.  We saw a cut down version performed for tourists from visiting cruise ships - it was so vibrant:  the colourful costumes, oversized puppets,  rhythmic music and energetic dancing took my breath away. Inspired by the spectacle this poem explains the fable and describes the show.

The legend says a man and wife
In order to preserve their life
Stole a bull from a local boss
Hoping he wouldn't spot his loss.
Starving hungry they cooked it fast
No intention to make it last
They gobbled up the meat and bone
In no time it had completely gone.
But in their choice they'd been mistaken
It was his prize bull that they'd taken.
The slighted boss flew into a fit
Vowed to find who'd taken it
They must return it safe and sound
Or else he'd put them in the ground!
The thieves began to feel quite beaten
How to give back what they'd eaten?
They begged the shaman for his aid
He agreed, and once they'd paid,
He danced and chanted, gave it his all
Resurrected the lost prize bull.
So man and wife escaped their fate
Returning that, which once they'd ate.

Today this most amazing miracle
Inspires an annual festival
And people come from far and near
To Paratins each June,  to hear
How the hungry man and wife
Tricked the boss,  and kept their life.
Two teams compete to tell the story
In music and dance,  to win the glory.
Each dance more vibrant,  each song more loud
Gigantic puppets whip up the crowd,
The rhythm strong,  and building pace
Designed to make their pulses race,
The energy flows out from the stage
To the crowd which forgets its age
They stand and clap, and cheer and stamp
Supporting their red, or blue, team camp.
Six hours later, amid exhaustion,
The judges make their hard decision.
Red or blue? The crowd all wonder
Who will win this year's Boi Bumba?

© Copyright 2018. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved.


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