Napowrimo early bird prompt: " Pick a word from the list below. Then write a poem titled either “A [your word]” or “The [your word]” in which you explore the meaning of the word, or some memory you have of it, as if you were writing an illustrative/alternative definition." I chose the word 'window' as they fascinate me. This square pane of glass, newly polished, Separates me from the world. Insubstantial, transparent, translucent, It forms a mental barrier Between the ease of comforting fiction, And the effort of outside. While I sit here over a morning coffee, My plans for the day still have the glow of possibility. Reluctance to make a start is far from laziness It's prompted by the knowledge That once I move beyond the pane Their promise will be compromised By the inevitable weight of reality. © Copyright 2024. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved