Google it!
Brian Bilston is the master of the Google search poem, where he types in the start of a question and sees what pops up. He's recently posted one for Christmas, so I've attempted one for New Year. It's quite addictive! New Year is a round the corner New Year is a festival in Japan New Year bri ngs you happiness New Year is cele brated on the Isle of Man. New Year is a new beginning Why does New Year s tart on Jan 1st? New Year is a lottery Do New Year's res olutions work? Will there be a New Year poem? Will there be a New Year sale? Are there New Year fir eworks on TV? Where can I get New Year nails? Is New Year always c apitalized? Is New Year a proper noun? Why does New Year make me sad, Why does New Year bring m e down? New year is a public holiday What can I do on N ew Year's Eve? What is New Year's et iquette - How can I get my guests t o leave? Will the New Year bring a red envelope? Will the New Year ball drop? Will 2024 be a good year? Why does the o...